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Talk Participants
Digital Modulation Workshop: Constellations, Spectra & Eye Patterns

Mr. Robert Rowlands, Field Engineer at Gap Wireless offered a workshop on the latest hardware and software tools to calculate and visualize digital signals constellations, spectra & eye patterns.

Upper picture, from left to right: Austin Salois, Daniel Gil. Blake Zuniga, Logan Lawrence and pictures below: Josh Paine and Gaven Hayden-Town
Electrical Engineering Students Receive Koret Scholars Awards

Electrical Engineering students receive Koret Scholars awards to work on wearable sensors, robotics and RADAR sensing. Logan Lawrence is developing a wearable smart sensor for passive health monitoring using chemical sensors and breath volatile organic compounds.

From left to right: James Normantas, Dr. Mohamed Salem, Brandon Russel, Dr. Sudhir Shrestha, Dr. Farid Farahmand and Logan Lawrence
Engineering Students participated in the CSU 31st Annual Biotechnology Symposium

The 31st CSU Annual Biotechnology Symposium, sponsored by CSUPERB, on January 3-5, 2019 in Orange County, CA brought together hundreds of faculty and student researchers from all over California.

Collage of pictures of 2018 North Bay Science Discovery Day
2018 North Bay Science Discovery Day

The Engineering students at Sonoma State University participated in the 2018 North Bay Science Discovery Day  on October 27th at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds.

Bottom picture, from left to right: Matthew Rosi, Anthony Arjona, Jesus Gonzalez Villafuerte, Dr. Farid Farahman, Jaoshua Paine, Dr. Corie Ralston and Dr. Sayan Gupta
SSU Engineering Students Visiting Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Four engineering students, Anthony Arjona, Joshua Paine, Jesus Gonzalez Villafuerte and Matthew Rosi were invited to visit Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source (ALS). The visit was arranged by Dr.

Left picture, from left to right: McKenzie Maher, Rob Rowlands, Alyssa Wright, Priyanka Khera and the picture on the right, from left to right: McKenzie Maher, Priyanka Khera, Alyssa Wright and Logan Lawrence
SSU Engineering Students Present at GHTC 2018!

Sonoma State University Engineering students presented at GHTC 2018 Poster Competition in San Jose, California!

From left to right: Julia Pastis, Shreyes Kompali, Dr. Sudhir Shrestha, Casey Harold, Logan Lawrence and Ziven Posner
Intelligent Systems Laboratory (ISL)

We are excited to announce the establishment of the Intelligent Systems Laboratory (ISL). "The main goal of ISL is to advance research and training in sensors, embedded systems, and sensor data analysis areas at Sonoma State", says Dr. Sudhir Shrestha the Director of the Laboratory.

From left to right: Logan Lawrance, McKenzie Maher, Priyanka Khera, Alyssa Wright, Dr. Farid Farahmand, Shivakumar Mathapathi and Muhammad Khan
Workshop on Internet-of-Things!

Sonoma State University Engineering faculty offered the first half-day workshop on Internet-of_Things in San Jose, CA.

From left to right: Dr. Sudhir Shrestha, Dr. Farid Farahmand and Geoff Thomas
2018 Manufacturing Day

Sonoma State University Engineering faculty and students participated in the 2018 MFG Day Sonoma County event and met with high school students and teachers on October 19.

McKenzie Maher on the left and Priyanka Khera on the right
Engineering Students Invited to the Fall Economic Forcast!

Sonoma State University Engineering students McKenzie Maher and Priyanka Khera were invited to the Fall Economic Forcast to talk about their summer internship experience.