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News & Events

Jordan Johnston
EE Student Receives Technical Award in 2020 IEEE GHTC

Engineering Science student Jordan Johnston has received Technical Award with a cash prize in the student poster competition at 2020 IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC).

Melissa Kadar, Armando Santos-Landa, Brandon Fong and Thomas Swanson
2020 Virtual Engineering Hackathon

The first Virtual Engineering Hackathon at Sonoma State University pulled together 25 students from different majors, including Electrical Engineering, Business, and Computer Science.

Joseph Haun
Engineering Graduate Students Present at SPIE Metamaterials, Metadevices, and Metasystems 2020

Two graduate engineering students, Joseph Haun and David House, are presenting the results of their research work in the Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Digital Forum on Metamaterials, Metadevices, and Metasystems.

Anthony Aboumrad and Rob Rowalnds leading the RF Measurement workshop
SSU Engineering Launches "The Blueprints", a Series of Engineering Skills Enrichment Workshops

The Engineering Department launched a new series of skill enrichment workshops. The workshops, titled "The Blueprints", are an initiative to bring together SSU Engineering and the wider community, with topics covering various skills, such as Python, PCB design, RF measurement, and many more.

David House holding a prototype of the metasurface absorber
Engineering Graduate Student Awarded the Graduate Studies Outstanding Research Award

The Interim Dean of Graduate Studies, Dr. Stacey Bosick, and the Office of Graduate Studies awarded David House the Graduate Studies Outstanding Research Award for his work on Metasurface Absorbers. David House graduated from the MSCES program in Spring 2020.

Joshua Paine
Internship During the Pandemic

This summer Joshua Paine, an Electrical Engineering and Math major senior at Sonoma state university, completed his internship at Keysight Technologies.

Students, their mentors and faculty pictured
Engineering Summer Camp 2020

This summer, the engineering department at Sonoma State University launched its second Engineering Summer Camp virtually. This year’s camp was limited to only one cohort with twelve students, ranging from sophomores to seniors, from different high schools, mostly in Sonoma County.

Engineering Projects in ORSP
Engineering Students Presented at Sonoma State University Virtual Research Gallery

SSU engineering students showcased their research at Sonoma State University Virtual Research Gallery on May 15, 2020.

Department of Engineering
First Place at IEEE SusTech 2020

This year the engineering students from Sonoma State University awarded the first place at the The 7th Annual IEEE Conference on Technologies for Sustainability (SusTech 2020) in April.

Autonomous Recharging of Aerial Vehicles
EE Students Awarded the First Place in the CSU Student Research Competition 2020

Congratulations to our students Alexander McGinnis, Joseph Haun, and Anthony Aboumrad for being awarded the first place in the 2020 CSU Student Research Competition on April 24, 2020. The students are in our B.S.