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Lecture Series Archive

Date Speaker Speaker Affiliation Lecture Title
Dr. Haider Khaleel Assistant Professor Engineering Science Dept., Sonoma State University Metamaterials: A New Frontier in Engineering Science
Ms. Elizabeth S. Perry Vice President Global Strategic Sales, Ciena WAN's Role in the Cloud - Dynamic Optimized Bandwidth
Dr. Farid Farahmand Assistant Professor Engineering Science Department, Sonoma State University Internet Technology: Liberating or Controlling
Mr. Wael Diab Senior Technical Director Office of the CTO, Broadcom Energy Efficient Networking
Dr. Stephen O'Driscoll Professor Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC Davis Low Power Analog IC Design for Biomedical Devices
Ms. Suna Taymaz & Mr. Dan Pearson Managers, Smart Grid & Technology Integration, PG&E PG&E's Smart Grid, a Foundation for a Sustainable Electric System
Dr. Salam Marougi Expert Engineer Agilent Technologies Design Aspects and Performance Parameters of Microwave Signal Sources
Dr. David Root Research Fellow Agilent Technologies Nonlinear Analog Behavioral Modeling of Microwave Devices and Circuits
Dr. Hongtao Shi Physics Dept., Sonoma State University Nanostructures through electro-deposition
Prof. Andrea Goldsmith Stanford University & IEEE Fellow The next wave in wireless technology: challenges and solutions
Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy EECS Dept., UC Berkeley Performance Evaluation and Optimization of the Teleimmersion System
Dr. Hamid Mahmoodi EE Dept., San Francisco State University IC design challenges in nano-scale era: technology and circuits perspective
Dr. Ken Wong Manager Agilent Technologies From nano to giga, measurement technologies and us
Dr. Shally Saraf ES Dept., Sonoma State University Recent advances in solid-state laser technology
Mr. Matt Birdsall Cardio Vascular S&T Director of Engineering & Bakken Fellow Medtronic Trends in Cardiovascular Devices
Mr. Jim Sackman VP of Access Development Strategy Tellabs Deep packet inspection, net neutrality and you
Mr. Mike Powers Engineering Scientist Agilent Technologies MEMS In The 21st Century
Prof. Venkat Anantharam EECS Dept., UC Berkeley Breaking the Error Floor of LDPC codes
Dr. Joel Dunsmore R&D Fellow Agilent Technologies Modern methods for testing RF components
Prof. Alexandra Von Meier Environmental Studies & Planning Dept., SSU Energy Technology and the Carbon Imperative: The Case for an Audacious New Vision