Weather Satellite Receiver
As we all know wireless communication is one of the most widely used forms of communication today. Additionally, radios and transceivers, serve as an integral part of transmitting and receiv- ing data within a wireless network. With that said, our group aims to create an improved and cost-efficient RF automated picture transmission (APT) receiver which will ultimately gather information from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA) satellites. The gath- ered information will then be readily available as satellite images for personal use or for the pub- lic for a lifetime. Specific satellite applications that may find use in our product range from cube- sats collecting scientific data, manipulating geographic images for land use, or even military satellite applications. With improved design techniques our receiver will efficiently produce weather satellite images at much lower production costs than traditional commercial receivers.
Alyssa Afa'ese, Alberto Martos and Joe Goren
Faculty Advisor:
Haider Khaleel
Project Link: Welcome to the Weather Satellite Receiver 2015!