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Smart Ozonator

Ozone is an extremely powerful oxidant and has many industrial and consumer applications. It is used in the consumer field for treating water; deodorizing fabrics; killing bacteria, insects, mold spores, and yeast; preserving food; and controlling algae. The platform that I wish to improve upon is the portable ozone gas generator. These are used by many to cure rooms of smells, killing bacteria and mold in indoor gardens, and removing insects from unwanted areas. These generators are usually small (less than 1 cubic ft.), use no digital processing, and run off your standard 110V AC wall outlet. Most, if not all, of these use a simple timer and fan as the only control in the system. What these products lack are sensing and smart components. What I propose to do is improve upon the design to make a more efficient, more useful, more affordable, and more stable product.

Graham Blacksmith

Faculty Advisor:
Saeid Rahimi

Project Link: The Smart Ozonator