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PLAD - Early Fault Detection of Arcing Power Lines

The intent of this project is to investigate the efficacy in detecting radio frequency interference (RFI) emitted from overhead power lines and combining this data with an automated mapping system via GPS. The basic system design will include three primary components: a radio front end, a processor, and a global positioning system (GPS). The radio front end that is used is the HackRF One, the processor used is the Raspberry Pi Model 3B, and the GPS used is the Gumstix PreGo PPP using the U-Blox Neo-7P GNSS. The HackRF One and the GPS unit both feed in their information into the processor. The Raspberry Pi will be operating on linux and running GNU Radio Companion while the GPS module’s update rate will result in inputing decimeter-level accuracy.

Ian Furniss and Kenneth Kleinsmith

Faculty Advisor:
Mohamed Salem

Project Link: PLAD: Power Line Arc Detector