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Engineering Students Had a Great Performance at the 2021 Seawolf Pitch Competition

Congratulations to the Engineering Students for their great performance at the Pitch Competition!

On April 20, 2021 several teams of engineering students participated in the virtual Seawolf Pitch Competition, presented by the School of Business and Economics Entrepreneurship Hub. The event was a great opportunity for student entrepreneurs to present their projects and receive valuable feedback from seasoned entrepreneurs, and have a chance to win award money to potentially support the launch of their products. The students teams presented their 60-second pitch to the judges.

The Best Overall Presentation award went to Centinel Project, developed by three senior engineering students: Nasunami Oshiro, Miguel Alvarez, and Mohammed Azeem. The Fitness for the Sole project, presented by three sophomore EE students, Nathan Candler, Tony Jang, and Andres Rivera, received the Most Commercially Viable award.

Please join us to congratulate our talented engineering students for their superb performance at the Seawolf Pitch Competition this year!