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The Florian Project

There is currently no way to track the position of a firefighter when in a large building fire. If a firefighter needs assistance at anytime, it can be hard to know their location to be able to give them the assistance that they need.

We seek to create a rapidly deployable tracking system for firefighters to be able to use, so there is no question as to where the firefighters are. Our system uses Two Way Ranging(TWR) Time-of-Flight(ToF) calculations with DWM1001C UWB Modules to trilateral the position of individual firefighters within a geofenced area. By using UWB and these TWR ToF calculations, we can be accurate within 1 meter, and avoid issues presented by multipath due to the high bandwidth of UWB technology.

Brandon Russel, Austin Salois and Corbin Shatto

Faculty Advisor:
Don Estreich

Project Link: The Florian Project